• Location: 8-Ua, Near Jawahar Nagar, Near Malka Ganj Chowk, Delhi-110007 (India)

50+ Years

50 Years
Of Experience

About Company

The Largest Supplier Of Institutional, Industrial, School, Hospital Laboratory Equipment's

R.T. Scientific Equipments in Kamla Nagar, Delhi is known to satisfactorily cater to the demands of its customer base. The business came into existence in 1965 and has, since then, been a known name in its field.  This business has a wide range of product offerings and the product includes Microscope, scientific apparatus, Scientific Instrument etc.

Blood Bank & Chemistry Center

Chemical Research & Testing Center

Why Choose Us?

Our Success Journey Choose We can Provide.

Mauris ut enim sit amet lacus ornare ullamcorper. Praesent placerat neque eu purus rhoncus, vel tincidunt odio ultrices. Sed feugiat feugiat felis. Curabitur posuere tristique mauris non blandit. Sed consectetur venenatis enim, vitae vestibulum ipsum tincidunt in. Fusce et nulla vulputate, pellentesque leo non, bibendum orci.

Improving Your Health

Trust Shared Purpose

Better Health Outcomes

Empowered to Change

Innovations In Vaccines

Strict Quality Practices

Helpful Advice

Quality Assurance

Reliable Experts

Unique Technologies

What Client Says?

Nam porta sit amet orci eu finibus. Quisque vehicula arcu tortor, nec posuere leo dapibus eget. Aenean eu dignissim ligula, non tristique enim.

Let’s Work Together!